Anystone Technologies, Inc. announces Anytune is now Universal and is optimized to run on all iPhone OS devices. Anytune 1.4, an update to their popular music learning app for iPhone and iPod touch, now runs natively on the iPad and features a new user interface that is even more beautiful, intuitive and easy to use. The iPad is an excellent platform to take advantage of Anytune’s rich suite of capabilities which continues to expand and improve the music learning experience.
[] Ottawa, Canada, June 16, 2011 – Anytune’s iPad optimization and user interface improvements add to its integration with Twitter, Facebook, email and SMS. Tweet your favorite pitch/tempo setting to your followers. Mark up any song and email your notes to a band member or student. Import tempo and pitch Settings, Audiomarks and Loopmarks from an email with one click. Anytune improves the music learning experience by enabling you to share online.
“The iPad rests comfortably on a sheet music stand and the platform’s larger screen enabled us to create an elegant user interface. We incorporated the GUI and functionality improvements into all platforms. We hope our users will like the changes as much as we do. We have more plans in the works and would love to hear what our users would like to see next.” Anystone CEO, Tony Wacheski
Anystone is happy to receive reviews like, “Great app 4 music lovers – this app is awesome! I can actually learn songs!”, and looks for new ways to engage their user base and continue to improve the Anytune app.
Anytune Pro will be on sale at 50% its new regular price of $7.99 (USD) on Anytune 1.4’s introductory weekend. Buy Anytune Pro once and use it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Anytune remains free as always.
Browse the your iPod music collection by song, artist, album, or playlist and press play, just like the iPod App – but better! Adjust tempo and pitch independently or together. Slow down a song to play along or hear each note of a wicked guitar or drum solo. Anytune estimates and displays the adjusted beats per minute and relative tempo. Increase the tempo as you improve. Adjust the pitch to change the key. Tune to your instrument or your voice. Skip ahead or repeat a configurable time with new navigation buttons.
Change tempo and pitch to have some fun and create a funky new sound for a favorite track. Tweet the settings to your friends with a simple touch: ‘Check out The Who’s “Bargain” on #Anytune at 1.50X, -4 semi’. Create a loop to repeat any part of a track. Set a loop start delay to allow time to return to your instrument. Include a loop in your practice routine and slowly increase the tempo until you can nail it at 1.5 times the original speed!
Set marks at precise times in your tracks with “Audiomarks” and “Loopmarks”. Use marks to easily return to a specific point or replay a difficult passage as a loop. Add text to marks for reminders to yourself, share ideas with band members, or give feedback to a student. Post all of your Audiomarks for a specific song to your Facebook wall or email them to a collaborator with the touch of a button. Import tempo and pitch Settings, Audiomarks and Loopmarks from an email. A great new way for musicians to collaborate.
The original Free version of Anytune includes the following features:
- New and improved awesome user interface
- Seamless access to your music library, browse and play audio content
- Estimates and displays the Beats Per Minute of the track being played
- Adjust playback speed, (0.5X to 2.5X) with or without affecting pitch
- Adjust pitch up or down a full octave
- Loop control with loop delayed start
- Auto save last position in the playlist and file
- Support for background music playback
- Support for remote control functions
- Try Audiomarks and Loopmarks (limited)
- Tweet or SMS tempo and pitch settings
- Post to Facebook wall or email tempo and pitch settings, Audiomarks and Loopmarks (limited)
- Import settings and marks through URL in email
Purchase Anytune Pro directly and enjoy additional functionality including:
- Removal of advertising
- Volume and Airplay controls
- Configurable loop delay
- Configurable replay and skip buttons
- Choose a skin from a variety of wicked textures and eye-catching colors
- Half, quarter and fine scrubbing
- Quick jump to iPod song and position
- Set, name and edit Audiomarks to quickly move to any position in the song (unlimited)
- Set, name and edit Loopmarks to quickly save and replay multiple loops (unlimited)
- Updates with additional features
Pricing and Availability:
Anytune 1.4 is free with additional features available through in-app purchase or by purchasing Anytune Pro and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Music category.