Raves and Reviews

The Globe and Mail features Anytune Music Slow Downer

“Ivor Tossell names Anytune a DISRUPTOR in the Small Business section of Canada's largest-circulation national newspaper.”

Ottawa’s Live 88.5 Radio Interview

Katfish Morgan and Dave Schellenberg of the LiVE 88.5 Start-up learn about Anytune chatting with CEO Tony Wacheski. They agree cover bands would love this App!

No Treble Anytune Pro HQ Slow Downer Review

"For any real study and time spent digging into the meat of a tune, I believe that AnyTune is the way to go. "

Best from Davide Roccato

"Anytune è un’ottima app per rallentare la musica ."

Extremely useful for musical artists

"Boasts a solid set of practice and transcription features."

Studio Muso says Guitarists Need Anytune

"This is a great tool and highly recommended."

Tutorfair Educational App Award Winner

"Anytune has thought of everything when nit comes to helping musicians."

Anytune is a pearl to App Pearl

"This is an indispensable tool for all musicians"

Top Tools To Become A Riff Master

"The world changed. Anytune - Guitar practice perfected."

Top Rated Incredibly Useful Music Slow-Downer

"Anytune Pro+ is an incredibly useful application for musicians and music students alike. Of all the universal iOS apps designed to slow down audio for music practice, Anytune Pro+ is the current top recommendation on my list."

Answer practically all your music learning needs

"Anytune works really well to help you learn any song"

Anytune, a Music Practice App with Detailed Functionality

"If you're looking for an app to help you practice your instrument to music, Anytune is a well-designed and easy-to-use app."

Guitar Apps We Can’t Live Without

"...what plausible excuses to not practice do you have now?"

Kick-Start Your Musical Career

" an amazing app that you can count on to hone your musical skills. "

Apple Daily Report says Handy Tool for Musicians, Dancers & Singers

"... extremely useful for singers, dancers, musicians and transcribers ... "

Andy is hooked after five minutes

" Easier, better and much higher quality. It’s really rather addictive! "

The Music App Blog Highlights New Features in Update

"... if you spend a lot of time studying and playing music ... a very worthwhile investment "

AirTurn Features Anytune

"AirTurn features Anytune as a great companion App to their lineup of hands-free controllers that are great for musicians."

Apps Like Anytune

"This wonderful application allows you to work with any kind of audio recordings. It can especially help singers, musicians, and foreign language, teachers!"

The Diligent Musician Recommends Anytune for Transcription

"I personally recommend Anytune and transcription to become a better musician. "

Free Apps for Me found Anytune

"Any guitarist who has ever tried to repeat a difficult solo will appreciate the usefulness"

Strings Readers Can’t Live Without Anytune

"The Anytune Pro+ ($14.99) iPad app has really helped streamline my practicing"

Six String Recess finds gold in Anytune 3.10

"I keep wondering if there's any more goodness they can add to this app. Then a new release comes out and I'm always pleasantly surprised at what's been added."

iRig BlueBoard App of the Week

"MIDI Remote Control allows Anytune to be controlled by the iRig BlueBoard no hands."

Anytune Featured on Roger’s Daytime Ottawa

Lois and Joanne from Rogers Daytime Ottawa chat with Anytune developer, Tony Wacheski, and bass player, Mack King, from Ottawa's Spitfire91.

“Killer App!” – Anytune Pro HQ Slow Downer Review by Apps4iDevices

Anytune Pro HQ received a full “4/4 Guitars” in the Anytune Pro HQ Slow Downer Review by Apps4iDevices

Musician’s Corner: Anytune Helps With That Ripping Solo

Lory Gil has written a great review of Anytune Pro HQ in her Musician’s Corner column for Appadvice. She was very happy to have found this great music slow-downer app.

Is Anytune Music Slow Downer Also A Creation Tool?

The guys over at the Apps4iDevices created a very cool remix of Placebo’s Battle for the Sun using Audiobus and 9 other Music Apps including Anytune. It is nice to see Anytune is being used to create music as well as a practice aid.

Home Music Production Gives Anytune 9.4/10

In a review for Home Music Production Steve Earl gives Anytune Pro HQ a 9.4/10.

iPad and Technology in Music Education

Paul started a great blog discussing his integration of technology into music education, with a specific focus on the iPad

Promusic Apps says Anytune is a Music Slow-Downer on Steriods

Mikers from Promusic Apps – a one-stop online source where developers and users can all come to share and learn about the latest developments in pro music and audio apps

Creatively Forward names Anytune essential for musicians

Creatively Forward is an inspired collection of the best resources and tools to help you accomplish just about anything in life.

On Smart Tip’s Top 10 List

Smart Tip is as a web magazine focused on the Top apps and Best tips. They curate some great Top 10 lists.

Anytune Used in Music Therapy

Wade M. Richard at Time for Music shared his impressions of Anytune with his students.

PadGadget – Apps for Music Junkies

PadGadget included Anytune in their “Apps for Music Junkies” list on April 30, 2012.

Anytune Pro HQ Music Slow Downer Receives 10 Stars in Brazil

MeuiPad (My iPad) from Brazil gives a ten star rating for the Anytune Pro HQ “slow downer” app saying Anytune is simply amazing.

Piano Teacher Uses Anytune to Teach Students to Play Piano

Anytune’s music slow downer features on her blog 88pianokeys and shared her experience with Music Teachers Helper and had nothing but great things to say.

Suzuki Teachers and Students

I use Anytune in my studio all the time and find it very easy. I have the basic app and don’t use the advanced features, but I do recommend it to all my students. – Pat D’Ercole, Violin Teacher, Director Aber Suzuki Center

Enjoy your music journey

Anytune features vary on Android, Mac Desktop, and iOS versions.
View product details.

Try Anytune for free

Powerful tools at your fingertips

Slow Downer

Pitch Adjuster

Markers and Loops

ReFrame Audio Isolation

FineTouch Parametric EQ


Sync Lyrics & Tabs

Remote Control

The Globe and Mail features Anytune Music Slow Downer

Ivor Tossell names Anytune a DISRUPTOR in the Small Business section of Canada’s largest-circulation national newspaper The Globe and Mail. Read how Anytune lets musicians play along to songs at their own speed here.

Ottawa’s Live 88.5 Radio Interview

Katfish Morgan and Dave Schellenberg of the LiVE 88.5 Start-up learn about Anytune chatting with CEO Tony Wacheski. They agree cover bands would love this App!

Check out the conversation on Soundcloud.

No Treble Anytune Pro HQ Slow Downer Review

Damian Erskine gives two thumbs up in his Anytune Pro HQ slow-downer review for No Treble. Having used other “slow downer” apps before, Damian wasn’t sure he needed another app until he gave Anytune Pro HQ a try.

As I have already reviewed both Capo and the Amazing Slow Downer, I wouldn’t have bothered with yet another “slow downer” unless it was something really noteworthy. I am happy to report, that Anystone Tech has raised the bar with this Anytune Pro.

The app’s “LiveMix” might be the coolest thing ever. If you use an iRig, iRiffPort or any kind of interface to play your instrument into your iOS device with headphones on, then you can use this to play along with the track. You have full adjustment of your mix and can even pan yourself and/or the music to one side of your headphones or the other. This is incredibly useful and really helps you feel like you’re a part of the music you’re working on.

For any real study and time spent digging into the meat of a tune, I believe that AnyTune is the way to go.

So, there you have it… Anytune HQ 3 is now my all-time favorite slow-downer for iOS devices. The company spent six months redesigning the app and has integrated many new features users had requested. Job well done!

Best from Davide Roccato

David Roccato In this blog you can read articles about Technology, Apple, Photography, Languages, WordPress, SEO, Personal Growth, Reviews and much more.

Just recently I was thinking: “I need an app to slow down audio and use it as an alternative to the iPhone’s Music app”. Unfortunately, the basic iPhone and iPad application does not allow you to slow down audio or speed up music. , nor even skip back just 15 seconds to continuously repeat a piece of song. When studying languages, learning to make the most of audio tracks is one of the best options for developing your learning. While looking for an app of this type, I actually realized that it is also very useful for studying music, or for learning the lyrics of a song. And so I decided to broaden the search and make this selection available to you on the best apps for slowing down audio on the iPhone.

Check out Davide Roccatos ‘ best learning slowdowns for learning. davideroccato.blog

Extremely useful for musical artists

Aaron Lee wrote a review for AppleWorld.Today after discovering that Anytune Mac is optimized for Apple Silicon (M1) Macs. Aaron loved the features and gave us a nice review, understanding that Anytune is a serious tool for serious musicians, dancers, and singers.

The double waveform displays in Anytune allow musicians to visualize and quickly navigate to sections of interest in their songs. Tempo and pitch changing let artists practice at their own pace and pitch without unwanted audible artifacts. Loop marks and audio marks used for practicing or transcription can be created and shared via email to collaborate with others, or via iCloud to iPhones, iPads, or other Macs.

Check out the AppleWorld.Today review and all the other reviews and tips at AppleWorld.Today>

Studio Muso says Guitarists Need Anytune

Studio Muso provides music lessons from Brighton-based pro musicians. These guys are hardcore and they included Anytune on their list of Anytune the 6 Most Useful Apps for Guitarists! Sweet.

This app slows down the track as well as changing the key. But that is only the start. You can loop sections (with the help of an audio wave image), organize your playlists, and even import audio from video. The free download comes with the slowdown, pitch adjustments, loop features, and lyrics display. This is a great tool and highly recommended, even just for the basic download version.

Check out the Studio Muso experience. They include regular recording sessions and extensive online exclusive content. Your teachers are professional musicians who are also playing for a living. You can record a professional demo of your drumming or guitar playing. There is tonnes of exclusive video content. Wow!

If you are anywhere close to Brighton and looking for a mentor, check out Studio Muso.

Checkout the full post and all the other apps at https://www.studiomuso.co.uk

Tutorfair Educational App Award Winner

Tutorfair is a website where you can find and book a local tutor. Anytune was included in Tutorfair’s Amazing Educational Apps and Learning Tools list as an award winner for Educational Apps and Tools for Music.

We are happy the great music teachers at Tutorfair are using Anytune and gave us this award.

We agree that Anyune is a great way to engage students and make learning more enjoyable.
Teachers can capture and share timed comments that are tagged to a specific note in student’s performance, and much more including:

  • break down the song into sections to work on one at a time
  • record an accompaniment so the student can play along at different tempos
  • change the pitch of a song to match the tuning of an instrument or range of a student’s voice
  • record a student’s performance to listen to every nuance and correct mistakes before they are ingrained
  • use loops and the Step-It-Up Loop Trainer to practice those really hard parts really slow and really fast
  • export several versions of a song at different tempos
  • the list goes on and on, ….

Anytune is a valuable tool for helping musicians maximise the value of their rehearsal time, allowing them to start their practise slower before building up. Get comfortable with notes as you practise by learning at your pace and adjusting the tempo without impacting pitch. … Anytune has thought of everything when it comes to helping musicians make the most of their training time.

Tutorfair was founded with a simple idea and a promise. We offer an easy way to find the best tutors while giving free tutoring to students who need it most.

Checkout the full post and all the other apps at Tutorfair.com

Anytune is a pearl to App Pearl

App Pearl is a review and tip site for iOS and Android apps. They found Anytune “This is an indispensable tool for all musicians who want to improve their playing the musical instruments!” in their review at found a few of Anytune’s gems and included them in their review of Anytune for iOS.

You will be able to select certain fragments of playback and loop them. Gradually increasing the speed, you will eventually learn to play in accordance with the speed of the original recording. Any musician who has ever tried to repeat a difficult solo will appreciate the usefulness of such a function. You can import any song from the music library, which allows you to parse and learn to play your favorite songs.

Check out the App Pearl post and all the other reviews and tips at apppearl.com

Top Tools To Become A Riff Master

Rachel from TutorfulTutorful compiled a handy go-to list of top guitar practice tools, including tuners metronomes, tuners, and apps – including Anytune. It is sweet to be included on the list of such good companies. Thanks, Rachael!

Whether you’re an aspiring riff master, music lover, or wannabe Hendrix, we’ve found the guitar tools you need to help you as you journey through the sound waves. We’ve included quality tuners and metronomes for every guitar perfectionist and tools to help you learn basic chords and intuitive practice apps. And treated you to all the top software you’ll need when you’re feeling like a pretty sweet musician.

Tutorful is the UK’s leading tuition marketplace, connecting students with tutors who are just right for them. They offer guitar tutoring to thousands of aspiring guitarists.

Check out the full post and all the other top guitar practice tools at Tutorful.

Top Rated Incredibly Useful Music Slow-Downer

David Roccato In this blog you can read articles about Technology, Apple, Photography, Languages, WordPress, SEO, Personal Growth, Reviews and much more.

Just recently I was thinking: “I need an app to slow down audio and use it as an alternative to the iPhone’s Music app”. Unfortunately, the basic iPhone and iPad application does not allow you to slow down audio or speed up music. , nor even skip back just 15 seconds to continuously repeat a piece of song. When studying languages, learning to make the most of audio tracks is one of the best options for developing your learning. While looking for an app of this type, I actually realized that it is also very useful for studying music, or for learning the lyrics of a song. And so I decided to broaden the search and make this selection available to you on the best apps for slowing down audio on the iPhone.

Check out Davide Roccatos ‘ best learning slowdowns for learning. davideroccato.blog

Answer practically all your music learning needs

Max Webster from Mac NZ thinks New Zealanders can learn music with Anytune.

Anytune works really well to help you learn any song, and with the looping, pitch control, and EQ it’s easier than ever to really decipher those tricky parts of those weird songs you want to learn. With its ease of importing and impressive feature set, it’s sure to answer practically all your music learning needs whether you’re working out some classical piano or some shredding metal guitar.

Check out the full post at Mac NZ.

Anytune, a Music Practice App with Detailed Functionality

Matt Tinsley reviewed the Anytune Music Slow Downer for Tuaw.com, The Unofficial Apple Weblog.

Matt is a musician as well as a writer. Check out his stuff at MattTinsleymusic.com. Matt could see the advantages Anytune provides as a “Practice App” versus a plain old music slow-downer.

Excerpts from Matt’s review for Tuaw:

Some standout IAP features include the “Step-It-Up” interval trainer, to challenge you in your practicing, “FineTouch” EQ lets you draw out particular dynamics of a song (guitar, vocal, bass) and export an adjusted song for practice at a later stage.

If you’re looking for an app to help you practice your instrument to music, Anytune is a well-designed and easy-to-use app.

Read the entire review at Tuaw.com.

Guitar Apps We Can’t Live Without

Zachary W. from takelessons names Anytune one of his 13 Guitar Apps We Can’t Live Without.

Use this app to dissect crazy, lightning-fast licks or solos without losing the quality of the music. For example, if you’re having a hard time figuring out what notes Guthrie Govan is playing on the Aristocrats album, this app will help you out by slowing the song down at any section you choose.

Check out the full post and the other 12 apps at the takelessons. .

Kick-Start Your Musical Career

Cherry from the appPicker App Discovery site calls Anytune Pro+ the “ultimate training tool for playing musical instruments”.

Anytune Pro+ has been tested and proven by musicians from all the across the globe and found to be very effective in honing one’s skills.
It is very reliable and all features, such as the tempo adjusting function, works perfectly at all times.
There is nothing negative to say.

Check out appPicker‘s full review for yourself.

Apple Daily Report says Handy Tool for Musicians, Dancers & Singers

Dennis Sellers from Apple Daily Report calls Anytune Mac extremely useful and provides a quick overview of the features he likes including the amazing ability to slow down music, change the pitch, ease of navigation, marks, and the FineTouch EQ.

Anytune’s Step It Up Interval Trainer allows learners to start off slowly and gradually increase the speed over a looped section of a song. For musicians who need to transcribe music, the tool simplifies transcription workflow by changing play-pause to pause-repeat, allowing a track to be traversed and repeated phrase by phrase more easily and in a more natural way for transcribers.

Check out the full post in the Apple Daily Report.

Andy is hooked after five minutes

Andy Partridge is a guitar coach and instructor at Guitar Coach Magazine. When he got a hold of Anytune Pro+ he loved it so much he started using it in his lessons. Check out his video lesson/review using Anytune to learn Sweet Home Alabama. You can download the Guitar Coach Magazine for FREE. The magazine is packed with great video tutorials covering classic guitar songs, great guitar riffs, and cool guitar techniques, plus articles, features, news, and reviews.

Check out the intro video below and then go to the full story in Guitar Coach Magazine – Anytune App Review to see four more videos each tackling a separate riff in the classic Sweet Home Alabama.

After just five minutes of using this app, I’m hooked, I absolutely love it. … It allows you to learn songs easier and quicker. … You can literally hear every note, hammer, and bend in detail. When I slowed it down there were a few little nuances a few little tricks and one little note that I played slightly wrong. This enables you to get it absolutely right.

Check out the full review for yourself in Guitar Coach Magazine.

The Music App Blog Highlights New Features in Update

The Music App Blog highlights some of the new features in the Anytune 3.12 (for iOS) and Anytune 1.3 (for Mac). These include shortcuts for +/- the gain, gesture options for moving through lyrics, ‘quick’ options for setting tempo and pitch, Song Info on MacOS, iPhone 6 support, and a number of additional enhancements, fixes, and tweaks.

For those looking to build their instrument skills – whether guitarists, drummers, keyboard players, singers, or saxophonists – the ability to slow down tutorial exercises (perhaps a drum loop or a guitar riff) is an invaluable practice tool. Equally, if you play in a ‘covers’ band or just want to work out the chords or riffs in the latest chart hit, slowing down the track and looping the key sections, provides a way to dig into what is being played and pick out the individual notes.

Check out Music App Blog‘s piece for yourself.

AirTurn Features Anytune

AirTurn features the Anytune iOS music learning, transcribing, practicing, and performing app as a great partner to their line of Hands-Free Controllers.

Add the Remote Control add-on to Anytune Free or Anytune Pro+ through in-app purchase to enable control of Anytune with hands-free external devices including the extensive line of AirTurn Controllers. AirTurn controllers for iOS and Mac allow you to control Anytune from the floor. Great to bring Anytune on stage or improve your workflow flow by transcribing, practicing, or just having fun. Use your feet to access Anytune commands and keep your hands on your instrument.

Note: Anytune Mac is not compatible with AirTurn devices, yet.

PED 2-Pedal

BT-105 ATFS-2 PBoard

BT-105 Boss FS-5U

BT-105 4-Pedal Board

AirTurn Tap

And many more

Anytune for iOS has some pretty cool features that when combined with AirTurn’s hands-free controllers become even cooler.

Combine Anytune for iOS, the new PlayNext feature, and an AirTurn Controller and you can remix your favorite track in real time with no hands. Use PlayNext to tell Anytune where to play when the current section of the song completes. Create loops for verse, chorus, bridge, solo, and outro, and rearrange them with a tap of your toe.

… an Interactive Backing Player

Anytune for iOS has some pretty cool features that when combined with AirTurn’s hands-free controllers become even cooler.


Combine Anytune for iOS, the new PlayNext feature, and an AirTurn Controller and you can remix your favorite track in real time with no hands. Use PlayNext to tell Anytune where to play when the current section of the song completes. Create loops for verse, chorus, bridge, solo, and outro, and rearrange them with a tap of your toe.

… an Interactive Backing Player

Check out the video below to see the BT-105 on Pedal Board with 4 ATFS-2 Pedals and PlayNext in action or watch on YouTube here.

Apps Like Anytune

Apps Like These showcases and recommends app alternatives. They recommend Anytune iOS for learning, transcribing, and practicing music. Of course, there is no alternative to Anytune!

What we like about this app is the visual range that helps you highlight and remember the most difficult moments of the melody, as well as the ability to create playlists and arrange them in separate folders.

Check out the Apps Like These post and all the other suggestions and reviews at appslikethese.com

The Diligent Musician Recommends Anytune for Transcription

The Diligent Musician‘s The Jazz VP talks about why, how & what to learn by ear as well as talk importance of transcription. He recommends Anytune and transcription if you want to learn how to improvise, master the language of music, to help you sharpen your ear, and to reinforce or develop your sight reading abilities.

I personally recommend Anytune.

[Anytune has] great sound quality when you slow down music, can easily loop, EQ. I use Anytune Pro+ on my iPad when I’m not in front of my computer and for the wonderful bookmarking feature and cloud backup.

Free Apps for Me found Anytune

Free Apps For Me is a review and tip site for iOS and Android apps. They found a few of Anytune’s gems and included them in their review of Anytune for iOS.

Any guitarist who has ever tried to repeat a difficult solo will appreciate the usefulness of such a function. The application is useful for those who want to quickly learn a particular melody, as well as for analysis of complex parts of the composition. The application allows you to sort the playlist by the artist, the title of songs, albums, or your settings.

Check out the Free Apps For Me post and all the other reviews and tips at freeappsforme.com

Strings Readers Can’t Live Without Anytune

In the December issue of Strings Magazine their readers sounded off of the 5 Essential Items They Can’t Live Without, and Anytune made the list.

With tablets allowing musicians to store an entire truck’s worth of sheet music on an iPad, these tablets are changing the way we play. Apps are one of the biggest no-brainers for string players and there are tons available for tuning, practicing scales, transcribing, and many new dimensions you may not have considered. For instance, the Anytune Pro+ allows players to slow down music, choose the pitch, and learn parts faster. “The Anytune Pro+ ($14.99) iPad app has really helped streamline my practicing,” said John Roberts.

Six String Recess finds gold in Anytune 3.10

Alex Vollmer comments on how a seemingly innocuous feature in Anytune 3.10 / 1.1 becomes a real game-changer in his workflow.

Remote Control Pack adds support for controlling the app with external MIDI devices, a Bluetooth keyboard, or the AirTurn pedal.

Anytune has a large number of commands it can perform, like “go to next marker” or “slow down”. With the Remote Control Pack enabled you can assign a MIDI controller or AirTurn pedal to any of these commands.

I keep wondering if there’s any more goodness they can add to this app. Then a new release comes out and I’m always pleasantly surprised at what’s been added.

Read the full blog at sixstringrecess.com

iRig BlueBoard App of the Week

IK Multimedia names Anytune the iRig BlueBoard app of the week

Anytune’s Remote Control add-on enables control of Anytune with external MIDI devices including the iRig BlueBoard. The BlueBoard – wireless MIDI pedalboard for iOS and Mac allows you to control Anytune from the floor. Great to bring Anytune on stage or improve your workflow flow by transcribing, practicing, or just having fun. Use your feet to access Anytune commands and keep your hands on your instrument.

Combine Anytune, the new PlayNext feature, and an iRig BlueBoard and you can remix your favorite track in real time with no hands. Use PlayNext to tell Anytune where to play when the current section of the song completes. Create loops for verse, chorus, bridge, solo, and outro, and rearrange them with a tap of your toe.

… an Interactive Backing Player

Combine Anytune, the new PlayNext feature, and an iRig BlueBoard and you can remix your favorite track in real time no hands. Use PlayNext to tell Anytune where to play when the current section of the song completes. Create loops for verse, chorus, bridge, solo, and outro, and rearrange them with a tap of your toe.

… an Interactive Backing Player

Check out the video below to see the iRig BlueBoard and PlayNext in action or watch on YouTube here.

Anytune Featured on Roger’s Daytime Ottawa

Lois and Joanne from Rogers Daytime Ottawa chat with Anytune developer, Tony Wacheski, and bass player, Mack King, from Ottawa’s Spitfire91 about the ultimate music practice app, Anytune.

MacFormat reviews Anytune Mac

Craig Grannell calls Anytune 1.0 “an impressive OS X debut“. Craig is a Mac, iPhone & iPad aficionado, editor, designer, and writer for MacFormat magazine. Craig was very impressed with Anytune’s technical competence and fine-grained settings saying sound quality at slow speeds and broader feature set including the Loop Trainer bests Anytue’s rival. While we didn’t displace his favorite he did award our debut release on Mac OS four stars. We appreciate the kind and critical words. It is good to know we have room for improvement.

Check out the March 2014 issue of MacFormat for the complete review.

“Killer App!” – Anytune Pro HQ Slow Downer Review by Apps4iDevices

Anytune Pro HQ received a full “4/4 Guitars” in the Anytune Pro HQ Slow Downer Review by Apps4iDevices

… But when i heard the audio processing quality… It’s really really impressive (better than my Pro Tools plugins). Anytune HQ is great!

This new version is so much nicer to use, much more beautiful (visually) that you’ll have no problem to adjust your loop on an accurate way.

Anytune Pro HQ v3.0 comes with a FineTouch™ EQ which will help you to ear a desired instrument from a mix.

In conclusion Anytune Pro HQ – Music Practice Perfected is simply the best In its category! A Killer App!

Musician’s Corner: Anytune Helps With That Ripping Solo

Lory Gil has written a great review of Anytune Pro HQ in her Musician’s Corner column for Appadvice. She was very happy to have found this great music slow-down app.

A couple of quotes from Lory’s review:

I’m so happy to have found out about this “slow downer” app. It was pivotal in helping us

[my band] learn the notes to some of the more complicated solos for the cover songs on our setlist. What makes this app so cool is that it slows down songs without changing the pitch. If you’ve ever tried to figure out what Dave Mustaine is doing in “Killing is My Business,” you know how hard it is to learn some of those shredding riffs by the greats.

There are so many helpful features with this app that the developer must have first-hand experience trying to learn cover songs. I imagine him sitting on his living room floor at 18 years old, playing a beat-up copy of “Hell Awaits” by Slayer, and frustratingly trying to play along.

Check out the full review at Musician’s Corner

Is Anytune Music Slow Downer Also A Creation Tool?

The guys over at the Apps4iDevices created a very cool remix of Placebo’s Battle for the Sun using Audiobus and 9 other Music Apps including Anytune. It is nice to see Anytune is being used to create music as well as a practice aid.

Unfortunately, Apps 4 iDevices is no longer with us, but the video lives on YouTube.

Home Music Production Gives Anytune 9.4/10

In a review for Home Music Production, Steve Earl gives Anytune Pro HQ a 9.4/10.

Excerpts from Stephan’s review:

Music practice or “slow-downer” apps such as Anytune are extremely useful for rehearsing dance routines, learning instrument parts, transcribing music, practicing vocal parts and practicing music in different keys.

So what sets Anytune 3 apart from the competition?  Features and sound quality.

Anytune 3′s features tower over other slow-downer iOS apps, and are more comparable to desktop software costing much more and lacking the ultra-mobility of the iPad.

Overall, this latest version of Anytune is definitely a leap forward improving upon an already very good app.  There are so many good uses for this app that I’m sure it will find its way into my music workflow in ways I’m not even aware of yet.  For the $14.99 price, the Pro HQ version is a very good value and a good weapon in any performing artist’s tool kit.

By the way, if you are looking for music production tips checkout 12 Super Secret Music Production Tips” from DJ Tech Reviews.

Check out the full review at homemusicproduction.com.

iPad and Technology in Music Education

Paul Shimmons is a band teacher (grade 5-12) who is integrating technology into his teaching.

Paul started a great blog discussing his integration of technology into music education, with a specific focus on the iPad. He discovered Anytune when looking for a music slow-downer app for the iPad. We gave him a promo code and he thinks he found some new ways to help at band rehearsal. Check it out at ipadmusiced.wordpress.com.

Some comments from Paul’s blog:

After using AnyTune HQ it becomes very apparent why we should be paying a little bit more for some of these apps.

Things like being able to get music into the app is easy. Being able to set up a bunch of hit points per song is easy. Being able to quickly jump back and forth in my loops is easy. I can quickly adjust the start and stop points of my loop point. I can even share all of the marks/points and settings for all of the songs that I import into AnyTune. The sound quality is wonderful and the type of files AnyTune can handle is great.

See the full blog at ipadmusiced.wordpress.com.

Photo by Terry Shuck from Garland, Texas, USA (State Fair Parade Marching)

[CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Promusic Apps says Anytune is a Music Slow-Downer on Steriods

Mikers from Promusic Apps – a one-stop online source where developers and users can all come to share and learn about the latest developments in pro music and audio apps – thought Anytune Pro+ was a song speed & pitch changing app on steroids.

I’m suitably impressed with not only the handy features it offers but also the way it cleverly maintains the sound quality of the track you’re working on.

Anytune has a fantastic user interface that just makes the whole experience easier and more flexible than other apps, plus the added smaller features really make it such a complete package.

Creatively Forward names Anytune essential for musicians

Creatively Forward is an inspired collection of the best resources and tools to help you accomplish just about anything in life.

Creatively Forward named Anytune as an essential resource for aspiring musicians who want to become successful.

See the full list at Creatively Forward.

On Smart Tip’s Top 10 List

Smart Tip is as a web magazine focused on the Top apps and Best tips. They curate some great Top 10 lists. They added Anytune to their “Top 10 Best Music Instruments Apps” list. Smart Tip liked the you to visualize the song.

Anytune is a perfect app for music learners. It allows you to make your learning experience better by allowing you to adjust your music to your pace.

Check out the Smart Tip’s “Top 10 Best Music Instruments Apps” and other lists and tips at smarttip.org/

Anytune Used in Music Therapy

Wade M. Richard at Time for Music shared his impressions of Anytune with his students.

I had to take a moment to share this amazing application I have been using in some of my sessions with all of you! I started out with a free version of Anytune for my iPad and quickly upgraded to Anytune HQ. With this app, you can take almost any song in your iTunes library and slow it down without changing the pitch of the vocals/song. You can also loop a specific section of the song in order to practice it or listen to it over and over. Several of my students who play guitar also have an iPad, iPod touch, or iPhone. I help them download the free version of Anytune, and teach them how to use it. Then they are able to play along with the songs were are working on in their lesson at home at a playable speed. Some of my students come back the next week and can play their song at the recorded speed! If a particular key is too hard to play in, there is a feature to raise or lower the key of the song. It’s so cool! The basic controls are easy to navigate and learn how to use. There are so many other applications for this musical tool: adjusting all your music for customized gait training activities, teaching tempo and pitch through song examples, slowing down songs or accompaniment while adding new rhythms taught on drums or percussion, etc.

Read Wade’s words @timeformusic.org.

PadGadget – Apps for Music Junkies

PadGadget included Anytune in their “Apps for Music Junkies” list on April 30, 2012.

See what they had to say at PadGadget

Anytune – Slow Down Your MusicAnytune – Slow Down Your Music (Free) – This is a really unique app that you will wonder how you lived without if you are a musician or a singer and learning new tunes. Anytune makes it easy to slow down the tempo, adjust the pitch, and repeat loops for your favorite songs –all things that could also be helpful to learn a new dance, transcribe text, or even learn a foreign language. Anytune will play any audio file in your library, with the unfortunate exception of those protected by Digital Rights Management (DRM).

Anytune Pro HQ Music Slow Downer Receives 10 Stars in Brazil

MeuiPad (My iPad) from Brazil gives a ten-star rating for the Anytune Pro HQ “slow downer” app saying Anytune is simply amazing.

Translation (Google Translate) of MeuiPad’s review of Anytune Pro HQ Music Slow Downer

Anytune Pro HQ is an app for iPhone® created by Anystone that will teach you to play any song by making it slower, allowing you to learn to play note for note.

The Anytune is simply amazing, it slows down the music without changing the pitch allowing you to copy the notes you play music easily. You can even create a loop and automatically repeat it to progressively increase the speed until you can play the song perfectly.

You can import any music from your iPhone to Anytune. Here you can define the section of the song you’re trying to learn to play and put it in a loop. You can still add a delay between each loop to take some time to readjust to the beginning of the loop. Speed, pitch, and several other options are available for each loop.

Another cool feature is the LiveMix which allows you to play instruments right into the app using an adapter such as IRIG. Just plug in your guitar and use the iPad Anytune to play along with music. For more advanced players, there are even detailed equalization control of the song

Final Review: With Anytune Pro HQ you can learn to play any song. It reduces the speed of the music and lets you play with every piece of music in an easy and simple way. A very complete app for the players on duty.

Read the original review at MeuiPad.com

Piano Teacher Uses Anytune to Teach Students to Play Piano

Leila J Viss, MA a piano teacher and blogger, reviewed Anytune’s music slow downer features on her blog 88pianokeys and shared her experience with Music Teachers Helper and had nothing but great things to say.

This app will be invaluable to me as a pianist and a teacher of those who enjoy playing pop music. Many times sheet music is not available or the arrangement is not as close to the original as a pianist would like. This app slows down any tune in your iTunes library–just one of the many favorite features of this app.

Leila’s App Rating Scale 

  • Leila’s Application Potential: 4/5–AM happy to have it accessible at ANY time
  • Leila’s Ability to Use with Ease: 5/5–I figured it out with little effort
  • Leila’s Assessment of Investment: 3/5–compared to most apps, it is pricey but there is a free version (with ads)

Total Score: 12/15 – definitely worth your consideration, my students are thrilled. PLUS, this app holds a huge coolness factor!

Check out Leila’s full review on her blog, as well as the video she created below showing how she plans to use it in her classes.

Suzuki Teachers and Students

I use Anytune in my studio all the time and find it very easy. I have the basic app and don’t use the advanced features, but I do recommend it to all my students. – Pat D’Ercole, Violin Teacher, Director Aber Suzuki Center

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Anytune Pro+

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